PERFECT ERA – Timepiece (2023)

PERFECT ERA - Timepiece (2023) - full

PERFECT ERA hails from Milford, CT in the US, releasing their second effort “Timepiece” where they mix modern / neo progressive with melodic rock. There’s a very smooth blend of clean vocals, excellent guitar lines, and sweet, at places elaborated keyboards. This band is already fit for prime time, and ”Timepiece” is a foundational testament to what this band can do and their future looks bright, right now.

Lead singer Arnab Sengupta sounds a little like James LaBrie, only with a much higher pitch to his vocals. PERFECT ERA has a distinctive sound, to provide an idea the overall feeling here is a good mix of Styx and early Dream Theater, their most accessible material. Yes, Sengupta’s vocals have as well some close similarities to Dennis De Young at times. The keyboards, effects, solid bass, guitars and drums create a melodic imagery that will make you smile.

“Timepiece” is an enjoyable album that I think any band would be proud to produce. I really enjoyed the creativity and deep lyrics, along with the consistency of their sound. Give this band a try, with this solid effort.
Highly Recommended


01 – Outside of the Box
02 – Time Waits for No Man
03 – Cold Nights Early November
04 – Dorado 1943
05 – Still It Goes On
06 – Narrow Mind
07 – The End of Days
08 – Before We Go

Vocals – Arnab Sengupta
Guitars – Todd J. Paskin
Keyboards – Roger Bush
Bass Guitar – Don Beatrice – Tracks 1, 3 ,4 ,6, & 7
Bass Guitar – Bill Mierzejewski – Tracks 2, 5, & 8
Drums – Bruno Werner



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