GYASI – Rock n’ roll Sword Fight (2024)

GYASI - Rock n' roll Sword Fight (2024) - full

For those who miss the fun, brash and ballsy, unapologetic rock ‘n’ roll of the early ’70s, fear not, as GYASI (pronounced ‘Jah-See’) is here to deliver the goods. With heavy riffs, stinging leads and a cocksure swagger, their new album “Rock n’ roll Sword Fight” manage to tap into the true essence of classic rock.
The legacies of Marc Bolan, Bowie, The Sweet, etc, continue to reap new proteges, such as this Music City guy GYASI and his band. Featuring Jack White band members and riff-loads of dirty ’70s glitter, “Rock n’ roll Sword Fight” shares so much DNA with T. Rex’s 20th Century Boy they could have been separated at birth (the voice, the threads, the glammed up heavy bluesy chords).
It rocks like a monster, too. Sassy, stompy glam rock fun, dripping in sequins and colourful eyeshadow.

Gyasi seems in many ways to come from another planet, and being raised in the woods of a West Virginia holler might as well be another planet in this day and age. His parents bought him a guitar at a local flea market when he was six years old and he still hasn’t gotten rid of the fleas, or the guitar.
He approaches his music as an all-encompassing art piece, using fashion, storytelling, and his electric guitar to create a world for his music. Inspired by a wide range of art and culture both past and present, his work is fueled by an undeniable passion to create music that brings classic rock n’ roll into the 21st century.

“Rock n’ roll Sword Fight” is a fine celebration of what rock music can still be. If anyone can bring back Glam, it is this wonderful peacock.
Highly Recommended


01 – Cheap High
02 – Tongue Tied
03 – Teacher
04 – Fast Love
05 – Godhead
06 – Baby Blue
07 – Sword Fight
08 – Kiss Kiss
09 – 23
10 – All Messed Up (Medley)
11 – Sugar Mama

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