WYLD RYDE – Gasoline Alley (2021)

Classic hard rock & metal is still alive in a America, at least int the indie scene. Just listen to “Gasoline Alley“, the new album from Louisville, Kentucky-based WYLD RYDE; are we still in 1984? Nope, but this 4-piece seems to.
Songs like title track, ‘Hold on Me’ or the bruising ‘Six Gun Shooter’ are thunderously-charged metallic tunes combining the fierce riffs of Leatherwolf with ball-n-chain street riffs ala Keel. It’s the attitude, the uncompromising riffage that make these guys quite special, and I’m sure they should be pretty storming live.
I gotta say it again: WYLD RYDE convinces with its attitude, authenticity and energy. As long as bands like WYLD RYDE still exists, real rock and roll will never die….