KANE’D [Chez Kane] – Show Me Your Skeleton (2018)

KANE'D [Chez Kane] - Show Me Your Skeleton (2018) full

With the stupendous new Chez Kane album, many of you asked for her previous band KANE’D. “Show Me Your Skeleton” is the third album from the Swansea (Wales) outfit fronted by sisters Stephanie, Stacey and Chez Kane (yeah, 3 vocalists) whom provide passionate vocals and complex rocking harmonies.
With total control of their art – the album is self released – Kane’d creates an extremely well done approach to modern hard rock. They are not inventing any new genres, but they are providing 11 well crafted songs that would be well suited on modern rock radio with the ability to crossover to mainstream stations as well. And traditional hard rock fans will enjoy this as well.
Vocals are provided by the three Kane sisters who are incredible throughout the album with each doing the lead at times and creating some terrific harmonies together.

‘Invidia’ begins with some dark guitar notes before quickly picking up the pace with the lead vocal given cool effects in the verses while the chorus burrows into the head.
The title track follows next and is just an ideal single for me. There is a huge hook to it that would play well at radio, and it must be said that this album sounds like it was done by a major label with a big budget.
‘I Won’t Bite’ continues the hard rock bliss and overcomes the lyrical clichés through the spot on execution of the song. The bass is a growling beast in this song and the drums thunderous.

The band slow things with ‘Don’t Turn On the Lights’ being another early favorite from the album. The chorus is extremely catchy and features some great harmonies showcasing the mix on the album really shines with this being a clear example where there are some cool touches under the verses. Harry Scott Elliott has outdone himself as the producer and on the lead guitar and bass.

‘I Do What I Want’ turns up the hard rock again and shows a band that can take an AOR approach to another level by injecting some more aggression into the music and giving some attitude to the vocals. I’m freaked out by some kind of The Exorcist sounds at the start of the song. This is a devil-may-care frolic of a track, which also closes with that freaky tinkling exorcist theme.

‘Reckless’ marks the halfway point of the album and actually reminds me a little of a modern version of late ’90s Ratt with a very different vocal approach. Elliott shines on the six-strings and would be an up and coming guitar god if this were a few decades ago.

‘Hey Hello’ – wow, I really love those riffs with a massive hook and an awesome pre-chorus that pulls me in every time. The Kane sisters blend their voices perfectly on the harmonies and throughout the lead vocals.
‘Never Surrender’ delivers more crunch with an ’80s edge, a heavier beat, and the sisters nailing the higher notes with ease. The end of the album approaches with the aggressive ‘Sin’ featuring even more excellent guitar work starting the final trio of songs, and I want to give a shout out to Josh Raw who provides rhythm guitar throughout and some lead guitar work here and on the aforementioned ‘Reckless.’

KANE'D - Show Me Your Skeleton (2018) inside

‘Angry’ is exactly that. Passionately delivered, maintains the punch with a really cool transition into a fist in the air chorus. This is a great running track.
The album comes to a close with the excellent ‘I’ll Bring You Home’ being another standout. The balladistic verses contrast perfectly with the power in the pre-choruses and choruses. In the slow moments it’s some kind of epic, and when explodes even feels like a hair-metal tune, with flashy guitars, soaring vocals and lots of charisma.

Doing everything by themselves, Kane’d have self-released an album that can take the band to another level, and I would love to see them garner a support slot on a bigger tour so that more people can hear the talent in this band. For some, the immediate draw might be the singing by the Kane sisters while others will be drawn to the guitar prowess of Harry Scott Elliott.
They bring a fresh sound to the typically male-dominated stage. Never make the mistake of thinking that female singers lack power or only perform ballads as these girls do not.
“Show Me Your Skeleton” is a really strong release, modern, but rocking as hell.
Highly Recommended


01 – Invidia
02 – Show Me Your Skeleton
03 – I Won’t Bite
04 – Don’t Turn On The Lights
05 – I Do What I Want
06 – Reckless
07 – Hey, Hello
08 – Never Surrender
09 – Sin
10 – Angry
11 – I’ll Bring You Home

Stephanie, Stacey and Chez Kane: vocals
Harry Scott Elliott: guitars, bass
George Elliott: drums
Josh Raw: guitar
Jack Davies: bass



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