APRIL WINE – Attitude (2013 reissue)
As requested, here’s the reissue of Canadian melodic hard rockers APRIL WINE ‘comeback’ album “Attitude“. This record marked the beginning of ‘phase two’ for April Wine, after leader Myles Goodwyn had put the band to bed in 1984. It rocketed to gold record business in Canada, illustrating that the Wine formula hadn’t outdated itself and could still be hip enough on radio.
It can’t be a better title for this CD: “Attitude” is a very melodic, arena-rock AOR album that shows absolutely no awareness of the changing musical climate in 1993. You won’t find any depressing, high-angst, low energy sludge here.
Instead, ”Attitude” is crammed full of Myles Goodwyn’s trademark upbeat melodic rock songs, chock full of midpaced AOR tunes and inspired boy-girl ballads making this comeback memorable, as Goodwyn still finds the hooks to tug on the heart strings…