THE LUCID (DAVID ELLEFSON’s post-MEGADETH band) – The Lucid (2021)

THE LUCID (DAVID ELLEFSON's post-MEGADETH band) - The Lucid (2021) full

THE LUCID, the four-piece metal / hard rock band featuring bassist David Ellefson (ex-MEGADETH), vocalist Vinnie Dombroski (SPONGE), guitarist Drew Fortier (BANG TANGO) and drummer Mike Heller (RAVEN, FEAR FACTORY), are releasing their self-titled debut CD.
This is Ellefson’s first musical appearance since he was scandalously fired from Megadeth in May after an Instagram user, identified only as ‘woahworst,’ started sharing accusations that Ellefson had groomed an underage girl. As proof, they offered extremely explicit video of Ellefson masturbating during a video chat, as well as screen caps of text exchanges between Ellefson and the young woman in question.
THE LUCID’s musical direction is quite eclectic, it isn’t thrash metal like Ellefson’ former band. There’s modern rock, some alternative, a bit of hard rock. However, and while vocally Dombroski couldn’t be further from Dave Mustaine, songs like ‘Damned’ sound a lot like the Countdown To Extinction / Youthanasia-era Megadeth.

THE LUCID’s band name kind of feels like what the music sounds like. It’s American modern rock with progressive arrangements, far from the cheesy radio-oriented style of current mainstream US hard rock bands.
We hear some ’90s type of riffs – both guitar & bass – defining the sound, with Vinnie Dombroski giving his particular vocal color and writing very ‘trippy’ lyrics.

With Ellefson definitively out of Mustaine plans – his recorded bass parts for the upcoming Megadeth album ‘The Sick, The Dying and The Dead’ have been re-recorded by other musician – THE LUCID seems to be the vehicle for him to continue in the music business, at least for the moment.
It’s an interesting album, varied, comprising capable musicians and good songwriting.
Check ’em out.


01 – Maggot Wind
02 – Deaths of Despair
03 – Spoiler Head
04 – Hair
05 – Maskronaut
06 – Damned
07 – Breech Boy
08 – Pigs and Sons
09 – Parade of Spit

David Ellefson (ex-MEGADETH) – bass
Vinnie Dombroski (SPONGE) – vocals
Drew Fortier (ex BANG TANGO) – guitars
Mike Heller (RAVEN, FEAR FACTORY) – drums



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