THE FLOWER KINGS – Paradox Hotel (2023 Remaster)

THE FLOWER KINGS - Paradox Hotel (2023 Remaster) - full

Swedish progressive rock legends THE FLOWER KINGS and longtime label-partners InsideOutMusic continues with the band’s extensive reissue campaign which will see the entire catalogue of the band reissued on CD & Vinyl in remastered editions.
One of the very interesting albums from THE FLOWER KINGS is their 9th ”Paradox Hotel” (2006), their only recording to feature drummer Marcus Liliequist, which has been freshly remastered and includes additional imagery.
”Paradox Hotel” is The Flower Kings’ most accessible yet simultaneously far-reaching album yet. There’s a rock&pop approach and bright sound on the overall material, however this is a double-LP concept album as classic Prog used to be, and of course we find lengthy pieces were the group showcases some awesome musicianship.
This is a superb set by The Flower Kings, demonstrating the benefit of their almost ceaseless touring and recording to produce a tight, dynamic grouping of songs. Btw, the remaster – and seems some remix here and there – is terrific, revealing new layers, more bass and percussion especially.

The ever prolific Roine Stolt got the band back into the studio for this double-disc outing created around the notion of existence. Light stuff, eh? It is, actually.
For those who are wrapped tight in prog rock’s knotty, twist-and-turn melodies, quick-change tempos, harmonic extensions, eloquent, guitar pathways that are only topped by keyboard runs that display acumen and prowess, and glistening production — and production where it takes eight hours to get a guitar solo right in the studio — ”Paradox Hotel” will seem a tad foreign, and perhaps even strange.

While it certainly has many of prog’s long-expected tropes — from eloquent expansive melodies that are more like suites than songs — and rhythmic variation, it also does something very different.
The songs are much more simple, long to be sure, but full of gorgeous melodies, with a more hook-oriented manner of playing, and other than vocal harmonies and some sound effects, the set was recorded live the studio.
It’s looseness, gregariousness, and even, dare one say, tenderness is the kind of thing that may leave some curious but frightened by prog rock, to move toward it for a bit of a listen.
And you’d be surprised.

“Paradox Hotel” has the adventurous vision of Peter Gabriel-era of Genesis, the musicality of Yes, the playfulness of Gentle Giant, and the slippery, mercurial side of Pink Floyd. But wrap all that with a rock&pop sense, a modern production, and eclectic songwriting.
It has crescendos and dynamics all over the place, killer guitar solos, and Stolt in top form vocally as well as composer. The band gets in the act more this time as well in terms of writing, which is a plus. Naming individual songs here is somewhat futile, but “Jealously” and “Lucy Had a Dream,” on disc one, and Hasse Fröberg’s “What if God Is Alone,” and “Blue Planet,” which ends the set, are all standouts.

”Paradox Hotel” is The Flower Kings perhaps most accessible album – there’s still plenty of the band’s classic instrumental snap and crackle – but this is an album with many ‘format songs’ to enjoy. It’s also their most rocking album, with the guitars crunching through wah-wah and Marshall stacks on several songs including the title track.
Highly Recommended


Room 111
01 – Check In (2023 Remaster)
02 – Monsters & Men (2023 Remaster)
03 – Jealousy (2023 Remaster)
04 – Hit Me With a Hit (2023 Remaster)
05 – Pioneers of Aviation (2023 Remaster)
06 – Lucy Had a Dream (2023 Remaster)
07 – Bavarian Skies (2023 Remaster)
08 – Selfconsuming Fire (2023 Remaster)
09 – Mommy Leave the Light On (2023 Remaster)
10 – End On a High Note (2023 Remaster)

Room 222
01 – Minor Giant Steps (2023 Remaster)
02 – Touch My Heaven (2023 Remaster)
03 – The Unorthodox Dancinglesson (2023 Remaster)
04 – Man of the World (2023 Remaster)
05 – Life Will Kill You (2023 Remaster)
06 – The Way the Waters Are Moving (2023 Remaster)
07 – What If God Is Alone (2023 Remaster)
08 – Paradox Hotel (2023 Remaster)
09 – Blue Planet (2023 Remaster)

Roine Stolt – vocals, guitars, mandolin, bass, Mellotron
Hasse Fröberg – vocals, guitars
Tomas Bodin – keyboards, synth, Minimoog, backing vocals
Jonas Reingold – bass, fretless bass, acoustic guitar, harmony vocals
Marcus Liliequist – drums, backing vocals



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