ALDARIA – Land Of Light (2017)

ALDARIA - Land Of Light (2017) full

Two years in the making and with a cast of all-star musicians, Memorized Dreams’ guitarist Frode Hovd introduces his new project, ALDARIA, and debut album, “Land Of Light“, to be released tomorrow.
As for the participants, the involved musicians are a who’s who of melodic metal in Europe, including talented bassist Mike LePond, shouter Rick Altzi, legendary Roland Grapow on guitars and many, many more.

“Land Of Light” tells a story place in the future, a mixture of sci-fi, fantasy, and apocryphal Christian themes, but let’s concentrate in the music and the overall concept.
Hovd’s musical focus for Aldaria, is essentially inspired by the Tobias Sammet and Avantasia book of “how to do” a metal concept record. That’s not to say that Aldaria is like having warmed up leftovers for dinner. But the overarching approach to the project of this kind is the same.
Hovd wrote the story and the music, then got a pleiad of very talented musicians to perform the music for him.

At the core the music is traditional melodic metal with a strong Euro feel, then swiftness of power metal is tossed in, and maybe some mild progressive metal twists. Then add some synth orchestral layers to give the arrangements some lush depth. Guitar solos are abundant and swirl, performed by various players into the same song.
Among the strongest cuts there’s the rapid ‘Test Of Time’, ‘Answers In A Dream’, and the groovy ‘Where Reality Ends’. Also the excellent, slower anthem ‘Trail Of Tears’ which builds upon a strong piano line, synth orchestration, and the voice of Mathias Blad, also from Falconer.
But the bottom line here is that it all works together and sounds equally impressive.

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While the ‘metal opera’ or ‘various artists into a massive project’ is not new to us, Frode Hovd’s Aldaria with their debut “Land Of Light” delivers a fine album of epic and entertaining melodic metal, progressive, etc.
If you like Tobias Sammet / Avantasia be sure to check this very well recorded album.

1. Excitare ad Lucem

2. Another Life
Lead Vocals: Rick Altzi, Kristoffer Göbel & Todd Michael Hall
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Roland Grapow (Guitars) Uli Kusch (Drums), Rayner Harøy (Bass) Peter Danielsen (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), David Åkesson (Backing Vocals)

3. Guardians Of The Light
Lead Vocals: Yannis Papadopoulos & David Åkesson
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Andreas Nergård (Drums),
Rayner Harøy (Bass) Filip Andel (Bass) Mistheria (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), Christian Palin (Synths)

4. Sands Of Time
Lead Vocals: Vasilis Georgiou & Mina Giannopoulou
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar, Synths), Andreas Nergård (Drums), Rayner Harøy (Bass)
Mistheria (Synths & Piano), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar)

5. Lost In The Darkness Below
Lead Vocals: PelleK, Marit Minniva Børresen & Todd Michael Hall
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar, Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Uli Kusch (Drums), Ciacomo
Manfredi (Bass) Peter Danielsen (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar) Filip Kolus (LeadGuitar), David Åkesson (Backing Vocals) Roland Grapow (Backing Vocals)

6. Test Of Time
Lead Vocals: Tommy ReinXeed Johansson & Rob Lundgren
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Andreas Nergård (Drums),
Ronnie König (Bass) Gabriels (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), David Åkesson
(Backing Vocals)

7. Trail Of Tears
Lead Vocals: Mathias Blad
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Orchestra arr), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Andreas Nergård
(Drums), Rayner Harøy (Bass) Mistheria (Synths & Piano), Stian Rødsjø (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar)

8. Where Reality Ends
Lead Vocals: Yannis Papadopoulos & Eli Prinsen
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Uli Kusch (Drums), Rayner
Harøy (Bass) Paolo Campitelli (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), David Åkesson
(Backing Vocals)

9. From The Ashes
Lead Vocals: David Åkesson, Bernt Fjellestad
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Andreas Nergård (Drums), Linus Abrahamson (Lead Guitar & Bass), Peter Danielsen (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), Eskild Kløften (Guitars) David Åkesson (Backing Vocals)

10. Answers In A Dream
Lead Vocals: Todd Michael Hall & David Åkesson
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Andreas Nergård (Drums),
Giacomo Manfredi (Bass) Peter Danielsen (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar)

11. Land Of Light
Lead Vocals: Fabio Lione, Jonas Heidgert, Kristoffer Göbel, Yannis Papadopoulos &
Siegfried Samer
Band: Frode Hovd (Guitar & Synths), Christer Harøy (Guitar) Uli Kusch (Drums), Mike
LePond (Bass) Peter Crowley (Synths), Jimmy Hedlund (Lead Guitar), David Åkesson
(Backing Vocals)

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