SKY EMPIRE (Jeff Scott Soto lead vocals) – The Shifting Tectonic Plates of Power – Part One (2023) *HQ*

SKY EMPIRE (Jeff Scott Soto lead vocals) - The Shifting Tectonic Plates of Power – Part One (2023) - full

SKY EMPIRE are a UK based progressive metal band with a distinctive sound, effortlessly and effectively blending the likes of Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Dream Theater and Symphony X. There are no new acts coming through in the progressive metal scene doing what Sky Empire do, marrying artfully and thoughtfully the band’s propensity for daring musicianship with grandiose compositions set within the soundscape of modern metal music.
Sky Empire upcoming new album album “The Shifting Tectonic Plates of Power – Part One” has Jeff Scott Soto taken over the position as lead vocalist, and he is doing a fantastic job. The album will surely appeal to fans of both 70s, 80s and 90s eras of progressive heavy rock / metal, but also to the fans of the new age spotless equilibrism of prog-artists, like Tesseract.


01 – Prolegomenon – The Encomium of Creation
02 – On the Shores of Hallowed Haven
03 – The Emissary
04 – Into My Father’s Eyes
05 – Wayfarer
06 – The Last Days of Planet Fantasy
07 – House of Cards

Jeff Scott Soto – Vocals
Drazic Lecutier – Vocals, Guitars
Remi Jalabert – Drums, Percussion
Tom Hobson – Keyboards
Jon Delaines – Bass


Pre order:—part-one-30766.html

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