LOU GRAMM – Long Hard Look [Rock Candy remastered & reloaded] *HQ*

LOU GRAMM - Long Hard Look [Rock Candy remastered & reloaded] lossless full

LOU GRAMM has one of the most unique and remarkably memorable voices, not only as frontman of multi platinum selling US melodic rock gods Foreigner, but also as solo artist as this remastered reissue by Rock Candy Records of his second solo release “Long Hard Look” highlights.

It was the fall of 1989 – one year after Foreigner made solid work on Inside Information, when Lou Gramm made another great solo album following Ready Or Not. This “Long Hard Look”, in my opinion, is the better of the two solo efforts.
The record scored two successful Billboard singles such as “True Blue Love” and “Just Between You And Me”, but all the tracks were potential hits.
The album impressively jolts in with “Angel With A Dirty Face”, which as commercial as it comes, could have been a killer single as well.

LOU GRAMM - Long Hard Look [Rock Candy remaster] (2013) booklet

Helped in the songwriting by talented Bruce Turgon (who also play bass and did backing vocals), we find gems such as “Hanging On My Hip”, “Broken Dreams”, “Warmest Rising Sun” or “I’ll Know When It’s Over”.
It’s that renowned vocal though that draws the listener in and won’t let go; upon listening to this album you kinda get transfixed into that golden late ’80s period when this genre was a global success and ruled the radio.
Lots of melodic keyboard lines are complemented by fine guitar licks with the likes of Dann Huff and Vivian Campbell adding their own unique touches to the equation.

LOU GRAMM - Long Hard Look [Rock Candy remaster] (2013) back cover

Few singers could touch Lou Gramm in his prime; “Long Hard Look” has the hard edge and hot vocal that was such a contribution to Foreigner. It also shows a maturation of style and interpretation that put him in the company of very few as far as quality of performance and breadth of talent.
Excellent remaster by Rock Candy.


01 – Angel With A Dirty Face
02 – Just Between You And Me
03 – Broken Dreams
04 – True Blue Love
05 – I’ll Come Running
06 – Hangin’ On My Hip
07 – Warmest Rising Sun
08 – Day One
09 – I’ll Know When It’s Over
10 – Tin Soldier

Lead Vocals: Lou Gramm
Guitars: Vivian Campbell, Dann Huff, Nils Lofgren, Peter Maunu, Bruce Turgon
Drums, Percussion: Benny Gramm, Lou Gramm
Bass: Pino Palladino, Bruce Turgon
Keyboards: Gary Corbett, Peter Wolf
Backing Vocals: Ina Wolf, Darryl Phinnessee, Phillip Ingram, Merry Clayton, Robin Clark, Maxi Anderson



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6 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    feels good to hear it on such quality! Thanks again for all! Can you please post RC's Strangeways S/T album? Thanks in advance!

  2. Great reprint good works by rock candy high quality sound

  3. Super reprint remastered super quality rockcandy very good

  4. LaMano says:

    Thanks for another great one. Amazing work as usual.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks you very much for this one… been lookin' for it for quite a while… any chance you could share Shadow King's album??? such a GREAT, AMAZING, HUGE album yet stupidly forgotten and underrated…

  6. Retro Hound says:

    Thanks for posting this!!

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