HITTEN – While Passion Lasts (2023)

HITTEN - While Passion Lasts (2023) - full

While hard n’ heavy rockers HITTEN early albums are firmly planted in a classic heavy metal sound, since their fourth LP the group have turned more melodic mainstream. And that’s reinforced with the band’s new album entitled “While Passion Lasts” hinting even more at that late 80s / early 90s hard rock sound, but still largely infused with that old school metal approach which is the foundation of Hitten’s own sound.
With a polished production and mastered by genius Erik Martensson (Eclipse), “While Passion Lasts” sounds million bucks. Musically think a mix of Skid Row circa 1988, Danger Danger (Paul Laine era), early Hurricane, add some Van Halen and a touch of heaviness in the vein of Eclipse or Dynazty, and you get a pretty good idea of HITTEN’s power.
Clean, strong lead vocals, huge multi-part choruses, a sharp twin guitar attack and a crushing rhythm section explode over a varied songwriting, making “While Passion Lasts” a very impressive rockin’ platter.

After the atmospheric and well done into ‘Prelude To Passion’, proper first track ‘Prelude To Passion’ brings to mind Skid Row during the verses, the gets bigger at the chorus. ‘Blood from a Stone’ shows a Leatherwolf mold yet with maturity, melody, running guitar riffs and a time stopping guitar solo – this is a really “happy” melodic hard track, certainly puts a smile on your face.
‘Dark Stalker’ starts slower, then kicks out the jams and provides a juggernaut of energy and an early 90s feel. The guitar solo is full of passion, I like this, there’s double tracking by the sounds of it too. ‘Truthful Lies’ gets back to basics, Stryper and Steelheart both spring to mind.
‘Hold Up the Night’ is very melodic, midtempo with an even an AORish touch.

The last couple of songs are ‘Where It All Begins’ and the stunning ‘Crimetime’. The former has major MTV power ballad influences, I can just imagine the smoke bellowing from the burnt out cars in a music video, moonlight, some female scenes of a lost love, you get the picture (Whitesnake 87 era, Kiss’ “Lick It Up” etc).
‘Crimetime’ is a total change of pace – Mr Big, Van Halen, high energy, speed and riffs, lots of riffs! It’s a lot harder hitting, what a terrific end to the album.

“While Passion Lasts” rocks like hell, it’s melodic but heavy, it’s ’80s at heat but modern produced, but above all it’s very, really consistent, varied in songwriting and impeccable in its execution.
Hitten started as a traditional metal a decade ago, but now they have nailed that classy hard rock sound with melody, provided a touch of modernization and younger enthusiasm.
It’s interesting to see where the band go from here, if they continue with this sound or gets back to the roots in the future. Whichever the case, these guys are tremendous.
Highly Recommended


01 – Prelude To Passion
02 – While Passion Lasts
03 – Blood From A Stone
04 – Mr. Know It All
05 – Unholy Games
06 – Dark Stalker
07 – Truthful Lies
08 – Hold Up The Night
09 – Where It All Begins
10 – Crimetime

Alexx Panza (lead vocals)
Dani Meseguer (guitar)
Johnny Lorca (guitar)
Satan (bass)
Willy Medina (drums)



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