THE BOMBERS – Aim High [Bad Reputation remaster +3] (2020)
As requested, here’s THE BOMBERS hard rocking album ”Aim High” recently remastered by Bad Reputation Records specialists including 3 bonus tracks. A supergroup formed by Alan Lancaster & John Coghlan from Status Quo, and John Brewster of The Angels, “Aim High” was released by a A&M in 1990, so expect that huge major label production and melodic hard rock goodness.
The Australian answer to Damn Yankees, Y&T, Thunder, Night Ranger, Hurricane, etc – at the end of the ’80s this Sydney based hard rock band were on the cusp of success, formed by reputed musicians and with a big label behind them.
”Aim High” is littered with uncompromising, catchy, heavy duty hard rock n’ roll polished according to the era, yet different from your typical melodic hard rock act. Quite unknown and criminally unheard by many, ”Aim High” is terrific, and this remastered reissue – including as bonus a rare standalone single – is really welcomed…