Few days ago, the servers facility hosting 0dayrox site caught fire. Everything burnt out.
We are restoring 0dayrox as soon as possible, it will be fully updated.
Meanwhile, you’ll see some functionality working slow. That’s until the site gets properly populated over the net and because we’re still working on it.
Keep Rockin’

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10 Responses

  1. LDKO says:

    Thanks for the update.
    Good news ithat t will be coming back in full swing again. Indeed keep rocking !!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Best of luck! That sucks!

  3. zmjazzrock says:

    Really sad to know that. I hope no people was injured and that the Host Comapny could be back on business soon. Best wishes.

  4. Maladin says:


    how can i help to support this amazing site? I want help. Is a donation a littel help? Send me your answer. KEEP ON ROCKIN! The Fire still burns (Twisted Sister says…)

  5. Anonymous says:

    I hope that you are all well and safe in the aftermath of the fire. Great to see you back and slowly getting up to speed.

  6. Luis says:

    Good that they are back, thanks to you I have bought several CDs …. The time was short but they were already missed … Good that they are well and to continue with this passion for music …..

  7. Anonymous says:

    So great to have you back. The most amazing music blog on the net. Endless thanks.

  8. Kuk@b4rrA says:

    And here the the “first robin” of situation changing for good – MELIDIAN – Lost In The Wild [Rock Candy remaster]!! Great Thanks for the hope, Dayrox!

    Believe you can restore all the links!!! All the good to ya!

  9. William Lewis says:

    Are you still working on getting the stuff that was posted this year (Jan. – present) back up? There was a whole lot I missed out on…thanks so much & cheers!

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