Tommy Skeoch’s RESIST & BITE – Resist & Bite (2021)

Tommy Skeoch's RESIST & BITE - Resist & Bite (2021) full

For many guitarist Tommy Skeoch was the rocking driving force behind TESLA’s music. Since he parted ways with the band in 2006 he has been somewhat quiet, except for the SKIN SUIT project / album. But Skeoch is back with a powerful new outfit; RESIST & BITE, and as requested, here’s their debut album ”Resist & Bite”, in its CD version.
RESIST & BITE is somehow a super-group if we consider the member’s pedigree: on vocals there’s great singer Nathan Utz (ex- LYNCH MOB, ex BLONZ), bassist Brian Powell (RECKLESS ABANDON), guitarist / keyboardist Steve Stokes (RICK SPRINGFIELD) and drummer David Parks (Tommy Skeoch’s SKIN SUIT and many others).
The band spent most of 2019 writing and recording, debuted live next year until pandemic stop all, and next concentrated in the recording of this first album, produced by renowned producer Michael Rosen (Santana, Journey, Testament, etc).

Musically, RESIST & BITE is more LYNCH MOB-esque than TESLA with sharp hard rocking attack and some darker, groovy moments, although it does have some Tesla-ish moments such as ‘Til Tomorrow’ or ‘Crazy’.
The self-titled album opens with slow, almost hypnotic “Blood on Me”, which generally might not serve as a good representation of this album, but it most certainly sets the record straight on many points.
For instance, the production is rich and very good with a precise balance in the mixing job, but decidedly this is a guitar-oriented soundscape. The guitar sound and tone are massive and simply razor sharp, while at the same time they are very clean.
The opening track also serves as a good introduction to singing style of Nathan Utz, whose raw vocals nail lots of different styles, but in general come across between classic hard rock of the ‘70s, ‘80s and 90’s.

Throughout the album the band manages to maintain the high level of songwriting, performance and the overall energy. That energy level is high even on the occasions when the band slows down like in the gorgeous ballad “Already Said”, “Till Tomorrow” and the acoustic jammy “Say Watcha Want”, which wakes memories of Skeoch’s time in Tesla, when the band released the game changing live acoustic album Five Man Acoustical Jam.

And speaking of Skeoch and Tesla, that connection needs to be addressed as well; should you expect this to be something like those early Tesla albums? No not at all.
Sure, there are some songs on the album that would feel at home on Into the Now or Psychotic Supper and Skeoch’s playing sure does bring out the memories of his years in Tesla, but that’s basically where the comparisons end. And that even thou that common for Tesla and Resist & Bite is that they deliver that pure down to earth rock.

Resist & Bite do come across at more modern and even heavier and this debut is also serves as a reminder to how crucial of a role Skeoch played in TESLA. His guitar tone, sense for melodically driven energetic guitar playing as well as songwriting qualities are such a key element of this release just as they were on the those first five Tesla releases.

”Resist & Bite” is downright packed with energetic well-crafted songs and at the same time it comes across as genuine. It is clearly a result of skill, but just as much of good chemistry and pure hunger for rock ‘n’ roll.
Skeoch took his time releasing music after parting ways with TESLA and is seems that the time was well invested, because this Resist & Bite’s debut hits the nail right on the head and basically all aspects.
Highly Recommended


01 – Blood On Me
02 – Fate
03 – Bombs
04 – A Soul For Mary
05 – I
06 – Already Said
07 – Afterneath
08 – Till Tomorrow
09 – Home
10 – Crazy
11 – Up In Flames
12 – Scream
13 – Say Watcha Want

Nathan Utz (ex Lynch Mob, Blonz) vocals, guitar
Tommy Skeoch (ex Tesla) guitars, keys, backing vocals
David Parks (Tommy Skeoch’s Skin Suit) drums, backing vocals
Steve Stokes (Rick Springfield) guitars, keys, backing vocals
Brian Powell (ex Reckless Abandon) bass, backing vocals



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2 Responses

  1. Errrman says:

    Thanks, it’s not a bad album at all

  2. Jayman says:


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