LOGAN / ROBERTSON [Lynch Mob / Dio] – Revisited [The Unreleased Violet’s Demise Album] RARE

LOGAN / ROBERTSON [Lynch Mob / Dio] - Revisited [The Unreleased Violet’s Demise Album] RARE full

Here’s another fulfilled request; it was the early 90s and Lynch Mob singer Oni Logan teemed up with wiz kid guitarist Rowan Robertson (Dio) for a new project named Violet’s Demise. Including Lynch Mob’s drummer Scott Coogan in the line-up, an album was recorded but never released due to label troubles. Some bad quality tapes made it to the traders forums and it became semi-legendary.
But early this century Logan remixed / remastered the tapes and released the record as LOGAN / ROBERTSONRevisited“. The CD was only available via Oni Logan’s website (now offline) and sold at some Lynch Mob’s shows.
Now a collector’s item, the disc is being sold at eBay for US $500.00.

And there’s more: at the end of the Nineties, Logan found more tapes from the sessions, and completed 3 extra tracks – listed here as bonus tracks – not present in the bootleg circulating before.
“Revisited” is a very interesting musical stew of retro 70s hard rock, drenched in a Zeppelinesque sauce and served up on a modern rock table setting.
‘Luna’ kicks off the album with one of the more eclectic tracks, Logan in full Robert Plant vocal mode. ‘Harmony’ is one of the more melodic tracks, with a hint of the Lynch Mob sound present, still mixed with a big dose of Plant.

‘Here We Are’ has Oni sounding like The Cult meets Led Zepp with a bit of Bonham (the band) thrown in, but it has it’s own original sound as well. ‘The Asylum’ again has ultra heavy guitar coupled with some ‘spacey’ sounds to produce a brooding epic.
Other highlights include ‘The Forest’, a real psychedelic tune with a neat drum pattern, and the sheer bombast that is ‘Beggar’s Day’. Mellower moments come in the form of the acoustic ‘If Memory Falls’ with it’s string backing, and ‘Waiting On You’, with its breezy folk feel.

Quality and consistency is high throughout, with all tracks favoring the modern rock approach. While some fans criticized the sonic approach on some tracks calling ’em grunge sounding, but in fact these are tone-down guitar driven songs inspired by the Seventies.
Yes, this album was recorded around the time grunge was breaking, but with its elaborated arrangements was miles ahead of those type of bands.
That’s why couldn’t get released; labels wanted a more alternative sound.

The 3 added bonus tracks are of similar overall quality. Two rock hard and the other is a cool acoustic rocker.
It takes a couple of listens to get hooked in to, but “Revisited” is a superb album – great vocals and guitar playing from the ‘old’ school, plus a bit of psychedelia but with modern bite. A good example of mixing classic hard rock with modern day sounds, without alienating fans of either style. In fact, Lynch Mob tried this formula on several songs.
A collectors item. RARE

You’ve seen it first at 0dayrox


01 – Luna
02 – Here We Are
03 – The Asylum
04 – Winter
05 – If Memory Calls
06 – Harmony
07 – Freedom
08 – Magik Bag
09 – The Forest
10 – Beggar’s Day
11 – Flame
12 – Waiting On You
13 – Shala Land

Oni Logan (Lynch Mob): Vocals
Rown Robertson (ex Dio): Guitar
Spencer Campbell: Bass
Scott Coogan (Lynch Mob): Drums


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