NOTORIOUS – Marching On (2024) *HQ*

NOTORIOUS - Marching On (2024) - full

Norwegian rockers NOTORIOUS consisting of lead vocalist Chris Höudini, guitarist Nikki DiCato, bassist Andy Sweet and drummer Freddy Kixx have signed with German record label Pride & Joy Music and will be releasing their sophomore full-length album ”Marching On” on January 19, 2024.
“Marching On” is a continuation of the anthemic hard rock / metal heard on their debut album “Glamorized” (2020). It is full of catchy tunes that will make you want to party all night.
”Marching On” is everything we love about the sleaze metal genre. This album offers killer hooks, catchy pop-infused melodies, and an energy that will make you band your head all day.
After a brief intro, we’re greeted with opening track ‘Manimal’ (not a W.A.S.P. cover) and roars out of the gate. There’s a rawness and ferocity to the song that pairs perfectly with its melodious undertones. It prepares you for what is to come on the album…

Next, ‘All Night’ is constructed in a way as to maximize its crossover potential to radio as if this was the late ’80s. If this album was released during that decade, this would have been the single the record company would have pushed. Don’t take that to mean there isn’t an edge to it, but it’s pop-oriented in all the ways bands use to write that crossover track that wasn’t ballad-based.

The rest of the album walks the line between these first two tracks. Along with W.A.S.P. and Tigertailz, Notörious honors Mötley Crüe with ‘Ten Minutes’, which utilizes the same opening as ‘All in the Name of…’ but deviates just enough to make the song their own. ‘Remember Me’ made me think of Britny Fox as this song could have easily made it onto their debut album.

We must mention not just the best song on the album, but one of the best songs I’ve heard all year: the title track. The track features black metal singer Henrik Skar on (mostly) background vocals. One might scratch their head at such a pairing, but it works! These two genres mixed with a perfect Yngwie Malmsteen template solo from Nikki DiCato makes it a kick ass track.
With that said, I could have done without the final minute and forty seconds, where the tempo slows to a crawl and Henrik takes over the vocals to close out the track… without that final part, it’s one of my favorite songs. This song demands to be played on the loudest speakers you can find.

‘Ain’t No Stoppin’ features singer Mark Boals. If his name was not listed beside the song title, I would have never known he was featured. I believe he just does harmonies.
A standout on the album is guitarist DiCato, who clearly studied at the school of Malmsteen, with many of his solos incorporating all the tools Yngwie uses to get his unique sound and neo-classical vibe. It meshes well with the band’s sleaze metal stylings.

As great as this album is, I take issue with the length and the production. The album is only eight tracks and clocks in at just 35 minutes. Regarding production, the album sounds like it was mixed a little too loud. With decent speakers, the material sounds great. On a phone speaker or basic computer speakers, the sound was muddled and not crisp. Quality speakers will be required to truly enjoy the album.

This album is a hell of a lot of fun to crank and bang your head to. The Tigertailz comparison is undeniable. Lead singer Chris Höudini even has a similar vibrato to Kim Hooker. Regarding more modern sleaze bands, White Tyger and Toxic Rose also come to mind as comparison bands.
There’s not one bad track on here. If this is what 2024 has in store for us, then we are going to get one hell of a year of great music.
Highly Recommended


01 – Intro
02 – Manimal
03 – All Night
04 – Ain’t No Stoppin’ (feat Mark Boals)
05 – Ten Minutes
06 – Eternal Fire
07 – Remember You
08 – Venom
09 – Marching On

Vocals – Chris Höudini
Guitars – Nikki DiCato
Bass – Andy Sweet
Drums – Freddy Kixx


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