THE DIRTY DENIMS – Party On! (2024)

THE DIRTY DENIMS - Party On! (2024) - full

Hailing from The Netherlands, THE DIRTY DENIMS are releasing today their new album entitled ‘Party On!’, where they continue the quest to bring their self-proclaimed brand of “happy hard rock” to the masses. If you dig the riff-driven sounds from the late Seventies – kinda AC/DC, Joe Perry solo – then you can’t go far wrong with ‘Party On!’. And being female fronted, add Joan Jett, Suzi Quatro to the influences & sound as well.
The Dirty Denims unapologetically live in a world of denim & leather, flying V’s and flicking horns, and why the hell not, it ain’t a bad place to be.
Straight from the off the title track sees the band, led by singer/guitarist Mirjam Sieben, firing on all cylinders. They play a no-frills, high-energy style of rock n’ roll that never gets tired and never feels old. Angus inspired riffs and licks courtesy of guitarist Jeroen Teunis, a bluesy breakdown led by the rhythm section of bassist Sebastiaan Verhoeven and drummer Suzanne Driesen, making up a raucous, high-energy racket.

Check out that uber cool artwork, that pretty much throws out the vibe of the album. It’s like Joan Jett hanging out with David Lee Roth, drinking beer at a frat party in California circa 1984, and there’s nothing wrong with that on our book.
They’ve pilfered all the best AC/DC riffs, channeled the rawness and the melodies of the sleazy ’80s rock scene to great effect here. There are hints of Suzi Quatro in ‘Devil In Me’, with its killer glam rock hook and licks that Joe Perry would be proud of.

Elsewhere, ‘Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night?’ channels Thin Lizzy style twin harmonies and a Sweet style glam rock stomp to great effect. With an infectious melody and an instant earworm of a hook, it’s a strong album closer and probably the highlight on the album.

With strong songs like the title track, the groovy, guitar-driven ‘Victory’ and the power pop nugget that is ‘Guestlist’, (it has a bass solo, for real!) the Eindhoven based band have already shown the world a taste of what they have to offer with ‘Party On!’. Are you ready to grab a four pack and join the party?
Highly Recommended


1 – Party On!
2 – Victory
3 – Guestlist
4 – We Won’t Stop
5 – Devil In Me
6 – Come On
7 – Hell Of A Night
8 – Too Loud, Too Old
9 – I Want It Now!
10 – Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night?

Vocals, Guitar – Mirjam Sieben
Guitar – Jeroen Teunis
Bass – Sebastiaan Verhoeven
Drums – Suzanne Driesen



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