HELIX – Long Way To Heaven [Rock Candy remastered & reloaded] HQ
This one was requested by many in maximum quality, HELIX more ‘AORish’ album from the mid-Eighties; the ultra polished “Long Way To Heaven“, fully ‘Remastered & Reloaded‘ by Rock Candy Records specialists.
Helix were a band you could always count on to deliver; live they were like an explosion in a circus and on record they served up numerous hard rock anthems.
Furthermore, they were relentless hard workers, banging out classy albums in the blink of an eye and touring the world like men possessed. The smart money was on Helix not only making the grade but also setting the bar for Canadian rock in general.
Helix first rocked the world a couple years earlier on the excellent No Rest For The Wicked, but I believe they put all the pieces together just right on this “Long Way To Heaven”. The songs are great and production top notch.
This Rock Candy remaster is excellent, the best…