RevLOVER – Too Fast For The Competition [FnA release] (1991-1993)

RevLOVER - Too Fast For The Competition (2018) full

Los Angeles based hard rock band RevLOVER was right there in the middle of the heyday of hard rock / hair bands. During the time period of 1988-1994, RevLover constantly showcased their talents on the L.A. Sunset Strip and toured the United States extensively, but never signed a recording contract.
30 years later, “Too Fast For The Competition” see the light of day released by FnA Records, including the band’s two indie releases originally available on cassette only, plus many extra tracks.
Originally from Southern family, RevLover was originally known as LIX, and quickly became mainstays at all the top clubs in the Florida the local rock scene. In 1987, the band packed up their bags, and headed to Hollyweird, where they rechristened the band name RevLover.
The band quickly rose to notoriety hosting many well-known musicians during their stage show like Don Dokken, Zakk Wylde, Jani Lane and Randy Castillo, and some even helped RevLover with songwriting.

After moving to Hollywood, RevLover quickly became a well-oiled machine, released their first indie cassette, and set out to criss-cross the U.S. As the band grew and their live show started to really come together and word spread about RevLover, they recorded a second indie album.

RevLover was a band that had it all: the chops, the hooks, the catchy choruses, and of course, the proper looks / image for the era. But also a huge fan base, a tour bus, music released, video clips, lines of merchandise, well attended shows across the U.S., a professional live show, support of a management firm who really believed in them, and the all important “X” factor.
But as time went on, changes would happen in the music business and the day came when it was time to throw in the towel.

RevLOVER - Too Fast For The Competition (2018) inside

For this release “Too Fast For The Competition” RevLover went deep into the vaults, and pulled out old reels of recorded music that they thought would never be heard by the melodic hard rock community.
What we have here is an 18-track trek through the history of a band that really had potential for bigger things.
Included are a bunch worth of unreleased material; hard rockers, power ballads, hair metal melodic ditties – all in a style that sounded quite different than the hair bands of the day. Also featured is a live track to take the listener through what one of their shows might be like.

While most the material in “Too Fast For The Competition” is in demo quality, this is cool compilation from another interesting band from the famed Sunset Strip scene.
Nice unreleased stuff that finally sees the light of day.


01 – Wheels of Time
02 – Wind Me Up
03 – What If
04 – Hollywood
05 – Out of Hand
06 – Keep Your Dreams Alive
07 – My Heart
08 – Sensationalism Sells
09 – We ll Take You Higher
10 – Push On
11 – Never Say Never
12 – Women
13 – Livin on the Inside
14 – Who You Gonna Love
15 – Sorrow Road
16 – Cactus Johnny
17 – Let it Rock, Let it Roll
18 – Boys Gone Wild (Live)

David Michael – vocals
Thomas Bond – guitar
Paul Schelly – guitar
Jonni Rylde – bass
Jason Banger – drums



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