STEVE VAI – Inviolate (2022)
Over the course of a more than 40-year career, STEVE VAI has routinely transformed what would appear to be outrageously impossible into something very, very possible… and still also pretty outrageous. From his days as Frank Zappa’s “stunt guitar” player to his more recent expansive and exploratory solo work, Vai has continually challenged notions of traditional guitar playing and composition – and on more than one occasion even reimagined the very instrument itself.
Vai upcoming new studio album titled ‘Inviolate‘ is a dark-toned fusion-funk workout played almost exclusively on a Gretsch hollow body guitar. As for what led Vai to the unusual (at least for him) model, he says, “It’s on the wall with all the other guitars, and I’d always just look at it and go, ‘One day I’m going to play you…’”
The results were pretty powerful, melodic and with atmospheric changes that shift dramatically from song to song. With ”Inviolate”, Vai quite literally invented not just a new guitar, but also a new guitar-playing technique…