SUICIDE SQUAD (pre-War Babies) – Live It While You Can [1988] (digitally remastered)
A couple days ago we featured in exclusive the Bad Reputation remaster on War Babies self-titled debut, the band fronted by powerhouse vocalist Brad Sinsel. Well, there’s an album / band where he was involved that you can’t miss: SUICIDE SQUAD, and their 1988 quite hard to find release “Live It While You Can“.
Originally released on vinyl only in Europe by UK label Music For Nations, SUICIDE SQUAD was a rocking outfit formed by Sinsel and guitarist Rick Pierce after being bandmates in TKO. It was a short-lived project, but they created this terrific “Live It While You Can” as legacy.
Listening to Suicide Squad could pass as an early War Babies EP, the direction more reflective and lyrics with depth were a step beyond the usual party metal lyrics of its day and directly where War Babies took things a couple years after.
And musically… this baby rocks. This is traditional hard rock with a polished sound and a punchy production, indeed like a mix between late TKO and War Babies plus some Hurricane. An absolute treasure from the vaults, fortunately remastered / reissued by Sinsel himself for our listening pleasure.
You’ve seen it first at 0dayrox